How To Survive In Faith Hope Suicide Situation

By Anna Kelly

It is easy to give up when daily challenges get overwhelming. At a point of hopelessness, even the small faith you have in humanity or possibilities disappears. A lot of people have toyed with the idea of suicide. How do you deal with this faith hope suicide swing without succumbing to pressure?

Search deeply for the reason for going through a particular situation. This brings you closer to acceptance and understanding of what is happening. Some situations strengthen you so that you can survive tougher ones in future. By overcoming the situation today, future challenges become easier to face.

Write a narrative detailing what is happening in your life, your experiences, options and possible solutions. Other than having a mental picture of what is happening, you will identify opportunities that can change your life. These details also help you avoid assumptions that make you feel like you do not have options. By having a better idea of the situation you are dealing with, finding a solution will be easier.

Engage a friend, family or acquaintance to help find a solution. There are reassuring words and suggestions that come from friends to give you hope. A counselor is, in fact, the best placed person to assist. The insights that come from talking to a friend or professional counselor will not be available if you remain closed and alone over the issue. Decisions are better to make when you have a support structure besides you.

Leave your current environment. Enclosed spaces and the same surroundings means that you will be regurgitating the same ideas. Minor issues appear tough if you are still operating in the same environment. Meet new people and go to places where finding a solution will be easy. Once you open to a new environment, even solutions will be easier to find.

Appreciate what you have and begin to affirm the positives that are happening around you. A lot of suicides happen because the victims do not see anything good in other people. Appreciate that you have people around, food, cloth, a few dollars and such provisions.

Make adjustments in aspects of your life that are impossible to change. If you missed an opportunity, accept that it is gone and adjust to life without it. For instance, accept that you have lost an arm and look for opportunities that favor disabled persons. The world has opportunities for everyone, regardless of situation.

Exercise patience while you work on that which you desire. Nothing comes easy, meaning that you will eventually get there. Have the patience to wait for your turn. While you wait, engage in other productive activities.

Borrow tips from your past encounters where you still overcame numerous challenges. You wake up to the fact that you are more resilient than you imagined. The current situation will cease to appear as difficult and therefore restore your hope.

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