Preparing For Tubal Reversal Surgery Louisiana

By Ruth Roberts

The decisions you make when you are younger may come back to haunt you later. If you decided several years ago to have your tubes tied, you might regret that choice later when you realize you want to have more children. The surgical procedure to undo the first operation can be moderately invasive and demand that you meet certain criteria. Before you undergo a complete tubal reversal surgery Louisiana patients like you typically must satisfy a number of qualifications to be a good candidate for the procedure.

Your doctor will first determine if the operation would even be practical for someone your age. Women who are beyond normal childbearing age would not benefit from undergoing the procedure. They probably would be unable to conceive even if their Fallopian tubes were untied or reattached. Doctors typically deem women over the age of 40 as too old for the operation.

Forty years of age generally marks the end of a woman's prime fertility and starts a period where she nears menopause. You may not be able to conceive even if you did not have your tubes tied. As long as your age is younger than 40, you could be approved for the operation permitting that you do not have other illnesses that would prevent a good recovery.

The two foremost diseases your doctor will want to know about are heart disease and high blood pressure. Both of these illnesses raise your risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, and other complications that could occur while the doctor has you under sedation. If you have either, you may be told that you cannot go through with the procedure.

Other factors that would prevent your candidacy include diabetes and bleeding disorders like anemia and hemophilia. These disorders prevent proper clotting and could cause hemorrhaging and oozing of the wounds. You could suffer necrosis or the death of your skin tissue. The complications you might suffer as a result of these illnesses may prevent you from achieving your goal of having more children despite the surgery.

If you are otherwise healthy but overweight, your doctor will likely tell you to diet and exercise to drop the pounds. The surgeon will refuse to cut through excess layers of fat. It will be too difficult to reach the Fallopian tubes inside of your abdomen. Your being overweight also puts you at risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or poor healing of the incisions.

If you are approved as a patient, you can expect to undergo laser or laparoscopic surgery. This type of procedure is generally minimally invasive and less painful that invasive methods. The entire operation lasts about an hour. You also may be allowed to go home the same day from the hospital as long as you do not show signs of allergic reactions or complications like bleeding.

Ensuring your candidacy for the reversal of a tubal ligation prevents complications that could further compromise your health. These criteria intend to protect your life and prevent you from suffering a heart attack, stroke, or even death. Your doctor will screen you for them thoroughly prior to allowing you to go through with the process of reversing your prior sterilization.

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