Mens Hair Replacement Systems IS Acceptable Vanity

By Paul Gray

Sometimes gentlemen are somewhat sheepish about pursuing treatment for baldness. Society tends to label them as somehow unmanly because they spent the time and money on a very expensive vanity. However, this is 2017 and perhaps it is time we stopped teasing them about mens hair replacement systems.

Let women be experiencing this same sort of hair loss, and they will line up their in droves with their husbands credit card. Somehow the vanity of a woman rarely gets criticized, even when she gets a man to pay for it for her. Perhaps, gentlemen, it is time to bankroll your own self improvement and self esteem programs and let the women fend for themselves.

So many guys just shave it all off at the first signs of thinning. While it's a great look and both women and men dig it, it rarely ever even occurred to these guys that they should spend such monies on the preservation of their hair. Too bad because there are some bald heads out there that really, really could use a return to better days when the oblong noggin with a flat edge had not yet been revealed.

I am sure we can all remember the good-ole toupee of old. This was the primary baldness denial mechanism in place from the turn of the century through to the Eighties. Never did these dead rats look like actual hair, and the unattractive strangeness only got worse when they began implanting staples into the scalp to hold them more firmly in place.

Spray-on bald spot covering was probably only useful for a random date or job interview. It tended to run much like makeup does when one sweats, and as we all know, men sweat. As such, a man would have had to keep a moist cloth on hand always, and be prepared to respray when necessary if he intended to keep the existence of his little shiny spot a secret.

Guys now have Rogaine available before the backward slide, and for those who will pay, follicle transplantation will fix them right up. While the Rogaine has an excellent reputation for preserving the natural hair follicles as long as possible, once male pattern baldness is identified, those follicles are toast. Genetics rules the day, but a man in control of his own money can pretend his hair never moved out.

Well, perhaps there is one other little known option that some guys out there have as their little secret. Wigs are not only for Traditional Jewish females, aging gals, transgenders, or fashion offenders. Sometimes even those guys who shave bald like to take an evening out on the town with some wavy locks blowing in the disco fan.

What gets me is when I see more women than men at a salon getting the very costly follicle transplantation. Very few women suffer the same baldness, so the preponderance of women in such a salon means men need to feel like they can spend on their own personal vanity. They spend on a woman without question, but so few of them seem to believe that they are worth it too.

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