The Good Thing Of A Spray On Tan In Transforming The Way You Present

By Haywood Hunter

Getting a spray on tan could transform your pleasant looking skin into radiant looking skin. And unlike other beauty treatments you can have fantastic results immediately with a spray on tan . All that is required if for you to select the shade that is right for you and after a couple of hours you can have a whole new look.

Fashion trends are forever changing. In Victorian times it was not at all desirable for a high society young lady to sport a suntan. Indeed, skin that was sun baked was associated with the lower classes who had to toil out of doors in the sun. In order to remain beautiful, young ladies hid from the sun and carried parasols with them whenever they had to travel about or be outside in the sunshine.

Greater leisure and vacations to exotic locations changed that. As foreign holidays became more popular among the masses, the pastime of sunbathing gained mass appeal. Destinations were selected on the basis of their sunshine and beach facilities. Holidaymakers came home and showed off their trips with their suntans. Movie stars also sported the spray on tan look as was the case with Bo Derek in the 10 movie.

We should not underestimate the role of multiculturalism and the changing concepts of beauty. Countries where the populations are more homogeneous such as some in Northern Europe, it is not seen as so important to wear a spray on tan. However, in Britain or America where the populations are very mixed, the sun baked look is most popular.

There are quite a few reasons why people want an instant transformation to their looks. Looking good has become very important in the modern world and a central pursuit for most of us on the road to success. We want to present our best side when we go for job interviews or when we get married for example. On such occasions a quick spray on tan can be very helpful indeed.

A spray on tan that has been applied skilfully will give very pleasing results. However, there is more that can be done to transform you looks instantly. Getting a new hairstyle can work wonders for your looks and greatly enhance your new spray on tan. There is also nothing as transforming as a set of new clothes so it may be worthwhile to head off to the shops to pick out something that will set you up very nicely.

Make up is also the obvious way to change you appearance quickly. You should experiment with different shades of eye shadow and lipstick that will complement your new spray on tan. What may have looked nice and subtle on you before my look garish with your new color. Get professional advice from a beautician if you are not sure what will suit you now.

First time users of the spray on tan should always apply a small sample to a test area first. This is to check that there is no allergy to the product. Such instances are very rare indeed and most people use spray on tan without any issue. Still, it always best to be safe than sorry.

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