Sun Laboratories Self Tanning Product Line

By Haywood Hunter

Many people now know that hours spent in direct sunlight can damage and prematurely age skin. Anyone who wants to avoid the sun but still look like they spend hours outdoors should check out Sun Labritories self-tanning products. The full line of gels, lotions, and sprays give customers a wide choice. The manufacturer also offers complimentary body care like lip balms and moisturizing lotions.

Sun Labritories bases its reputation on offering safe and effective sunless tanning products. Customer reviews say that the tan achieved will have a natural, sun-kissed look without the orange tint that makes a tan look fake. The coloration of the skin lasts well, and the skin is moisturized with application of the Sun Labritories tanning solution.

Made with natural ingredients, Sun Labritories tanning products moisturize while they darken, and promise to be safe for all types of skin. Customer reviews include testimonials from those with sensitive or problem skin that have been pleased with the results of using products created by Sun Labritories. Many health food stores stock the Sun Labs line, which is a vote for purity and safety.

The depth of tan you want will dictate which Sun Labritories product you choose. The medium lotions produce a lighter, biscuit-y tan very popular today. For those who want a rich, deep-golden hue, the dark line of products is available. More than one coat applied several hours apart will deepen the color. Since it takes only about three hours to see results, quick summer color is possible.

The Sun Labritories product of choice can be applied before bed. Just go to sleep and wake up tanned. The coloring agents might come off on sheets or clothing but they will not stain. Regular laundering will completely clean even white bedsheets. Safe for use on face and body, the tanning solutions give an even, golden color overnight. If you desire more color, just reapply the product and give it another three hours to deepen your tan.

Sun Labritories products come in many sizes. You can get a small, four ounce size at first to make sure you are satisfied, but the thirty-two ounce size or even the gallon makes frequent applications affordable. To maintain a deep tan, you will want to reapply the tanning lotion, gel, or spray every few days. The company also markets a tan-extending body lotion, because well-moisturized skin looks tan longer.

Go online to get a free sample. This will help you validate the claims of even, natural self-tan after one application and only a few hours. It is a healthy way to tan indoors in privacy. Sprays are available if you don't want to risk staining your hands. Many customers prefer manual control, but Sun Labritories has instructions for the successful use of sprays.

Voted best self-tanner for 2012, Sun Labritories products will give you a long-lasting, natural-looking tan. Your skin will look and feel great after using one of these tested and reliable tanners. Since doctors recommend staying out of harmful ultraviolet rays from direct sunlight, using sunless tanning preparations is a wise alternative to sunbathing for the hours necessary to darken pale skin.

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